LB-lettermark for Litsa Babalis

Client: Apple

Feb-May 2023

Optimizing employee’s timecard functionality

I improved the design of the timecard feature to enhance the efficiency and accuracy in tracking work hours and streamline the editing process.

Responsive view of timecards on mobile device

Lead product designer

Paired with

UX Researcher, Content designer


Web, iOS, Android

Editing timecards on desktop

WorkJam is a SaaS solution for the frontline workplace and plays a pivotal role as the backbone of efficiency for organizations globally. At the forefront of this digital transformation is Apple Inc., utilizing the WorkJam app to streamline communication and enhance workforce collaboration across its extensive network of stores worldwide. In this case study , I'll delve into the process of enhancing WorkJam's timecard functionality to address challenges and elevate the user experience for Apple employees.

The problem

After launching the MVP for WorkJam's timecard feature, it became evident that there was room for improvement, particularly concerning the editing of timecard entries. Currently, users are limited to editing one entry at a time. However, unforeseen circumstances emerged, revealing a significant user pain point: frontline workers often struggle with punctuality, leading to delayed or missed clock-ins. Consequently, they resort to catching up and correcting their timesheets just before the pay cycle ends. This process proved cumbersome and time-consuming, impeding efficiency. To address this issue, our goal was to streamline the timecard editing process, making it faster and more user-friendly. Our aim was twofold: to boost efficiency for frontline workers and ensure accurate timekeeping without unnecessary hassle.

Timecard edit user flow
Employee timecard edit screen on mobile device


In preparation for this project, I collaborated closely with a user research analyst to conduct a comprehensive investigation, employing a multifaceted approach that included client interviews, analysis of Google Analytics data, and A/B testing. During client interviews, we uncovered significant pain points among both managers and employees. One recurring issue was the prevalence of missed punches and inconsistencies in timecard entries. Moreover, managers expressed frustration over spending excessive time correcting their employees' timecards due to the system's complexity. Our analysis of Google Analytics data corroborated these findings, revealing a high rate of user disengagement with the timecard feature. Specifically, we observed that 79% of users discontinued using timecards within five minutes of accessing the feature, primarily citing the prolonged editing time required to manage a high volume of punches. These insights were pivotal in shaping our approach to improving the timecard functionality. Recognizing the urgent need to streamline the editing process and reduce user frustration, we prioritized the implementation of batch entry capability in timecards as a key solution.

Editing timecards one by one feels like a never-ending chore. Sometimes, I forget to clock in, or I'm just running late...

Sandy, Technical Specialist


In addition to brainstorming sessions, we also utilized journey mapping to deepen our understanding of user experiences. By visualizing the entire user journey, from clocking in to editing timecard entries, we gained valuable insights into their interactions with the app. This holistic perspective allowed us to empathize with users, identifying pain points and moments of frustration. Armed with this understanding, we approached our brainstorming sessions with a clear focus on addressing these challenges. Throughout our ideation process, we leveraged insights from our journey mapping exercise, ensuring that our solutions seamlessly integrated into the user experience.

Process flow chart

Testing and Iterations

As we moved into the testing phase, we knew it was time to put our ideas to the test and see how they held up in the real world. We gathered feedback from a diverse group of users, ranging from seasoned veterans to newcomers, ensuring we captured a broad spectrum of perspectives. Watching users interact with our prototype was both eye-opening and humbling. We witnessed firsthand the pain points and the moments of delight as they navigated through the new features. With each round of testing, we took notes, identifying areas for improvement and tweaking the user experience based on the feedback received. It was a cycle of iteration and refinement, with each iteration bringing us one step closer to our goal of creating a seamless editing experience. We weren't afraid to pivot or backtrack if something wasn't working as expected.

Multiple timecard entry user flow in Figma
Adding a single timecard entry vs adding timecard entries in batches


Learning from this project encompassed a mix of positive and challenging aspects, providing valuable insights for future endeavors. Here are some key takeaways: The analysis of data proved to be a powerful tool for making informed decisions. The identification of the 79% drop-off rate after five minutes provided a clear focus for addressing a critical usability issue. Clear communication with stakeholders and managing expectations emerged as critical aspects. Learning how to convey the impact of proposed changes, potential delays, and the iterative nature of the development process became essential for fostering understanding and cooperation.